Publications | Google Scholar



Jon Karapetyan, Li Li, Eduard Geodakyan, Songyong Yuan, Roza Karapetyan “Site servey and assessment for the planned seismogeodynamic monitoring network in the Republic of Armenia” . Earthquake Science, 35(6): 510-518, [https://doi: 10.1016/j.eqs.2022.12.004].


Seyed Hossein Abrehdari, Jon K. Karapetyan,Habib Rahimi, and Eduard Geodakyan “The Caucasus Territory Hot-Cold Spots Determinationand Description Using 2D Surface Waves Tomography” Russian Journal of Earth Sciences,Vol. 22, ES5004[]


Дж.К. Карапетян, О.Ю. Айрапетян, Г.М. Матевосян, Р.К. Карапетян “Исследование динамических характеристик многопролетного моста в Ереванепо микросейсмическим колебаниям” Geology and Geophysics of Russian South [DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2022.25.25.005].


Дж. К. Карапетян; Э. Г. Геодакян; С. М. Оганесян; С. Р. Шахпаронян; Р. К. Карапетян “Аномалия геомагнитного поля, предшествующая возникновению землетрясений на территории Республики Армения и сопредельных районо” Reports of NAS RA [DOI: 10.54503/0321-1339-2022.122.4-287].


Jon Karapetyan, A. V. Eloyan, J. K. Karapetyan, G. M. Matevosyan, R. K. Karapetyan “Optimal support positioning of a rectangular plate in a stability problem under temperature field exposure” Bulletin of Science and Research Center of Construction [DOI: 10.37538/2224-9494-2022-3(34)-45-53 ].


Дж. К. Карапетян “Сейсмический датчик для систем мониторинга. Разработка и результаты” Reports of NAS RA [DOI: 10.54503/0321-1339-2022.122.3-207 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Seasonal Factors of Adaptation of Water-Mineral Chronoperiodical System in Healthy Individuals and Patients With Syndrome of Vegetative Dystonia” Chronobiology in Medicine [DOI: 10.33069/cim.2022.0011 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Investigation of the dynamic characteristics of the road bridge in Yerevan by recording microseisms” Геология и геофизика Юга России [DOI: 10.46698/vnc.2022.25.25.005 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Aerial representation and interpretation of parameters of geodynamic processes of earth crust of Armenia” Zenodo [DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.6695656 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Statistics and Pattern Recognition Applied to the Spatio-Temporal Properties of Seismicity” MDPI [DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-4264-5 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Geophysical monitoring of the geodynamic regime of Central Armenia” Russian Journal of Seismology [DOI: 10.35540/2686-7907.2022.1.03 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Construction of the Average Curve of the Seismic Velocity of the Crust in the Territory of Armenia from Profile Seismic Observation Data” Seismic Instruments [DOI: 10.3103/s0747923922010042 ].



Karapetyan Jon and LI Li, “Comprehensive Studies of Seismic Forecast and Seismic Hazard Assessment in Armenia, Current State and Prospects” Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2021, 95 (supp.1): 55–58


Дж.К. Карапетян, О.Ю. Айрапетян, Г.М. Матевосян, Р.К. Карапетян. “Сравнительный анализ динамических характеристик зданий различных типов при микросейсмических колебаниях”, Geology and Geophysics of Russian South 11 (3) 2021.


Jon Karapetyan “Assessment results of soil properties by engineering-geophysical studies” Геология и геофизика Юга России [DOI: 10.46698/vnc.2021.77.30.007 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Optimal projecting in the task of bending of rectangular orthotropic piecewise-homogeneous plate” Earthquake engineering. Constructions safety].


Jon Karapetyan “On the need to change the calculation schemes for seismic resistance in building codes and rules (BRandR)” Earthquake engineering. Constructions safety


Дж.К. Карапетян; О.Ю. Айрапетян; Г.М. Матевосян; Р.К. Карапетян “Comparative analysis of the dynamic characteristics of various types of buildings during microseismic vibrations” Геология и геофизика Юга России [DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.70.17.009 ].


Дж.К. Карапетян; О.Ю. Айрапетян; Г.М. Матевосян; Р.К. Карапетян “Построение средней скоростной кривой земной коры на территории Aрмении по данным профильных сейсмических наблюдений” Сейсмические приборы


Jon Karapetyan “System-Analytical Method of Earthquake-Prone Areas Recognition” Applied Sciences [DOI: 10.21203/ ].



Jon Karapetyan “FCAZ-recognition based on declustered earthquake catalogs” Russian Journal of Earth Sciences [DOI: 10.2205/2020es000754 ].


J. K. Karapetyan, A. S. Gasparyan, S. R. Shakhparonyan, and R. K. Karapetyan "Registration and spectral analysis of waveforms of 10.24.2019 earthquake in the Caucasus using the new IGES-006 seismic sensor." RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES6002, doi:10.2205/2020ES000742, 2020


Alik Ismail Zadehab, Shota Adamiac, Aleksandre Chabukianic, Tamaz Chelidzec, Sierd Cloetinghd, Michael Floyde, Alexander Gorshkovb, Jon Karapetyan and others... “Geodynamics, seismicity, and seismic hazards of the Caucasus” Earth-Science Reviews 207 (2020) 103222]


Jon Karapetyan “Current state of exploration and actual problems of tectonics, seismology and seismotectonics of Armenia” Russian Journal of Earth Sciences [DOI: 10.2205/2020es000709 ].


Jon Karapetyan “Efficiency assessment of seismological information, monitoring system and seismicity study for the Republic of Armenia” EGU General Assembly 2020 [DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-11385 ].